
James talmage jesus the christ
James talmage jesus the christ

james talmage jesus the christ

Though often used interchangeably with Jesus’ given name, “Christ” is actually a title given to Him as the Messiah. … Jesus Christ was the only Being suited to the requirements of the great sacrifice: 1-As the one and only sinless Man 2-As the Only Begotten of the Father and therefore the only Being born to earth possessing in their fulness the attributes of both Godhood and manhood 3-As the One who had been chosen in the heavens and foreordained to this service.” (p. For such a mission only one who was without sin could be eligible. “The atonement was plainly to be a vicarious sacrifice, voluntary and love-inspired on the Savior’s part, universal in its application to mankind so far as men shall accept the means of deliverance thus placed within their reach. Talmage explains why no other was qualified to perform the Atonement and become the Savior of the World: Jesus Christ was the only being suited to perform the Atonement. (Note: Page numbers correspond with the 1990 Missionary Reference Library mass-market edition.) 1. In honor of the book’s 100th anniversary this month, here are 10 powerful takeaways from “Jesus the Christ,” with characteristically lengthy excerpts from Talmage’s own words. But even if you haven’t read the book cover to cover, there are a few basic points you should understand from this powerful volume. The 736-page text is comprised of 42 chapters, rich in detail and doctrine. Talmage’s iconic book “Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to the Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern” has taught and blessed countless readers in the 100 years since its initial publication in September 1915.

James talmage jesus the christ